5 unexpected things that happen when you do pilates

1. Work in to work out. You get a chance to channel your thinking into the body. For an hour you can switch off the outside world and just move and breath on a mat. It’s a rest from everydays noise and distractions.

2. Grow taller After 10 sessions clients at my classes are 1-2cm taller because of the focus on lengthening and strengthening the spine.

3. Learn how to breath. In Pilates we breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. That may sound obvious. However no one teaches us how to breath. Except Wim Hof. 50% of people only breath through the mouth. That’s unhealthy

4. You can defy age. We find ourselves among 30 year olds and 80 year olds who can be better at Pilates than one another! It’s age defying : it’s a longevity practice.

5. You can dodge bullets. Pilates sounds like one of the Greek Gods but Joseph Pilates was a German boxer/acrobat who lived in gangster New York. Like them he smoked cigars and had a Walther PPK pistol to protect his business interests against his competitors. These rogue teachers were trained by him and they sometimes took his clients. Joe would pay them a personal visitation with his Walther.


7 Reasons pilates is great for easing back pain